Logo by Brian Dare
Annual Rocky Horror Picture Show cast in Tampa, FL

2003 Picture Gallery

Flyer (by Brian Dare & Chris Alvarez)

2003 Flyer (front)
2003 Flyer (back)

Photos from Cristine by random people

Before show - Cristine as Magenta
Before show - Chandler as church Frank
Before show - Liz as Trixie
Church scene - Crowd of people in the wedding party
Church scene - Cindy as Janet catching the bouquet
Church scene - Adam and Cindy walking
Church scene - Adam and Cindy by the billboard
Church scene - Adam as Brad and Cindy as Janet on the church steps
Crim scene - Brian as the Criminologist
There's a Light - Cindy and Adam during "There's a Light"
Time Warp - Fish, Traci, Cristine & Trannies in the Time Warp
Time Warp - Adam and Cindy as the only two standing after Time Warp
Sweet T - Scott after throwing off the cape as Frank
Sweet T - Traci, Cristine, Scott & Fish in the throne scene
Sweet T - Traci, Cristine, Scott & Fish in the throne scene 2
Sweet T - Traci, Cristine, Scott & Fish in the throne scene 3
Lab - Cristine, Scott & Traci during the lab speech
Lab - Traci, Fish & Cristine singing "Sha-la-la"
Hot Patootie - Cindy, Adam, Will & Tom as Eddie
Hot Patootie - Adam, Traci, Will and Tom during "Hot Patootie"
Hot Patootie - Tom throwing Traci high into the air
Hot Patootie - Traci screaming for Eddie
Lab - Cristine and Fish about to have "Elbowsex"
Takeover - Fish and Cristine as Riff and Magenta
Credits - Cast call with Liz as Trixie & props people
Credits - Cast call with Trannies

Previous Years

1992 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003