Logo by Brian Dare
Annual Rocky Horror Picture Show cast in Tampa, FL

2004 Picture Gallery

Photos by Jannie Gunnlaugsson

Audition Day

Waiting in the lobby - Sarah sitting pretty in her Trixie outfit
Waiting in the lobby - Lee & Rachael smiling
Waiting in the lobby - Ricky getting ready for Riff
Waiting in the lobby - Heidi as a very sparkly Columbia
Waiting in the lobby - Adam talking to Lisa
Waiting in the lobby - Sarah talking to Stephanie
Waiting in the lobby - Jessica D. resting & Sam B. in his Riff outfit
Waiting in the lobby - Lisa making a silly face
Waiting in the lobby - Jessica as a napping Janet on the bench
Waiting in the lobby - Anthony waiting his turn
Waiting in the lobby - Andrella, Patrick & Chase
Waiting in the lobby - Alex & Loritza (after her audition)
Waiting in the lobby - Sarah sitting pretty in her Trixie outfit
Waiting in the lobby - Lee sleeping on the hard floor
In the theatre - Ricky, Andrella & Adam horsing around
In the theatre - Andrella napping while waiting
In the theatre - Scott under a blanket, Jamie & Shannon


Chandler in pull Ninja props guy garb!
Sam B. as Riff Raff

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